Candidates for 2023-26 International Executive Board


In accordance with the International Bylaws of Mu Phi Epsilon, a committee of three members was appointed to receive names of prospective candidates for International Office and investigate their eligibility and availability. The nomination deadline was January 15 and the following nominations were received by the committee and deemed eligible for office:

  • Ashley Bouras, Phi Tau - Dallas Alumni
  • Ann Geiler, Phi Theta - St Louis Alumni
  • Michael Lasfetto, Epsilon Sigma - Portland Alumni
  • Marshall Pugh, Alpha Xi - Roanoke Valley Alumni
  • Liana Sandin, Beta Pi - Lincoln Alumni
  • Tanner Wilson, Beta Alpha - Fullerton Alumni
  • Kurt-Alexander Zeller, Mu Chi - Atlanta Alumni

Please download the candidate packet for more information about these individuals and the positions they are eligible for. 

During the Convention, each province will meet and select one alumni delegate and one collegiate delegate to serve on the Nominating Committee. These 24 individuals will later meet to put together a slate of officers for the delegation to consider at the Convention's business session.  

Nominations from the floor will be accepted, but please keep in mind each nomination will need to be screened to make sure they are eligible for a nomination -- if the floor nominee has not already gone through the vetting process.